Non-hormonal IUD
Pregnancy prevention for up to ten years, remove at any time

An effective, long-acting and reversible method of contraception
The non-hormonal or copper IUD is a T-shaped device that is placed in the womb and provides contraceptive protection for up to ten years.
Like other types of IUD (hormonal IUD), the non-hormonal IUD is an effective long-acting method of contraception. At Marie Stopes Ghana we recommend these types of contraception as they have been shown to be over 99% effective when used correctly.
99% – If one hundred women used non-hormonal IUDs for a year and carried on with their normal sex life then only one of those women would fall pregnant during that period.
Non-hormonal IUDs are available at all of our Centre of Excellence locations.
Please contact our team for more information about pricing.
If you’re starting to use contraception for the first time, or thinking about using a new method, it’s a good idea to have a full consultation.
Call us toll-free for a confidential talk on
0800 20 85 85 OR WhatsApp us on 0244208585
Find our locations that offer contraception and family planning services
Non-hormonal IUD advantages
The IUD can offer numerous advantages when used correctly, including:
- Easily inserted by a trained Marie Stopes provider
- Effective immediately
- Very effective up to 10 years
- Can be easily removed at any time
- Once in place, you do not need to think about it or do anything until it needs replacing
- Your previous fertility will return immediately after it’s removed
- It can be fitted directly after childbirth (or after an abortion) and works immediately
- It does not interrupt sex.

Things to consider
There are a few things to consider when choosing a non-hormonal IUD over other contraceptive methods.
- The most common side effect of IUD is heavier, more uncomfortable or prolonged periods
- The IUD may cause a slight increase in vaginal discharge but it does not cause a rise in infections as long as it is put in properly by a trained person
- In very rare cases a woman’s body might reject the IUD and push it out
- Unlike condoms, the IUD does not protect you from sexually transmitted infections.
IUD aftercare advice
If you have a non-hormonal IUD fitted, it will work straight away. When your IUD is fitted, you should plan a follow-up appointment 6 weeks to have your IUD checked.
Once a month, after your period, gently insert a finger into your vagina during a bath or shower. The neck of your womb (cervix) feels a bit like the end of your nose, and you should be able to feel the threads of your IUD. If you can’t, please contact us or your doctor, and use condoms or abstain from sex until the presence of the IUD is confirmed.
Your partner should not be able to feel the threads during sex. If this happens, seek advice as above, as your threads might be too long.
Please contact us at any time if you have any aftercare concerns, or find out more if you’re looking to learn about removing an IUD.
Find your best fit
If you’re unsure what method is best for you, take our online contraception quiz.

Other contraceptive methods
We offer a range of contraceptive and sexual health services to suit you